Monday, September 19, 2011

The Need for an Eyeglasses

As a person who normally works in front of the laptop for hours, it did not came to me as a surprise anymore when I was told I needed to get eyeglasses already. At first I did not want to make time so I can finally have my prescription glasses because I am so busy with so many things. But when I learned that like anything else, this can be done with a few clicks on my keyboard, I went for it.

Like any other stuff that I own, I wanted my glasses to fit my personality, from the color, the shape of the frame, and even the made of the lens. I want it to be fashionable, stylish and up to date. I also take into consideration the price and the quality of my choice. I want something that is comfortable to wear, something that I can wear for long hours without necessarily feeling it in my ears or in front of my eyes. And while I believe in practicality, I know that I should always get what’s my money’s worth. I know that cheap does not always mean poor quality and that expensive is not always equated to durability.

If you think that my requirements are impossible, I am proud to tell you that I got exactly what I wanted. ;)

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