Monday, August 17, 2009

Tuna Sandwich

I was in the mood for tuna sandwich. I just wish that there is Lady's Choice Tuna Spread here that way it will be easier for me. Dave does not like tuna sandwich so I end up eating it alone.

Anyway, I made a tuna sandwich with the following:

1 small can tuna in chunks (drain)
pickle relish
boiled egg (diced)
onion (diced)


Mix altogether. Spread in a whole wheat bread.


Dhemz said...

agoy mao tawon ni ang fave ni goryo...tuna sandwich....d man tawon ko ani mahilig....ehhehe...dko ganahan sa baho man jud...plaway lang ko ni goryo...ehheeh!

Chie Wilks said...

kawaton naku ning tuna sandwich be..hehhhe

namind0t ko diri sis

Ms. Journ said...

I love this tuna sandwich mami.... anaad jud ka mohimo himo mami ba.. tudlu-e nya ko ha? daghan na jud ka itudlo sa akoa puhon2x hehehe...

Unknown said...

May ni imu tuna sandwich ky naa mn itlog, ako unions ug mayo ra ako i mix, lami mn sd, nya with chips dayon side dish burp nku ana.

Unknown said...

sige ko buhat ug tuna sandwich diri pero galaway ko sa imo sandwich hahaha.

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Mouth's Delight © 2009 By: Demcy Apdian-Dias