Saturday, January 21, 2012

Got it

Guest post written by my buddy Aldo Mays

I went to when I was first starting my business because so many people didn’t have cash on them when I came to their office to deliver lunch. Even as much as I told people I only took cash I really felt like I was missing out on sales because people just didn’t have what I needed from them. I should tell you about my business: I make brown bag lunches with sandwiches and stuff like that to sell in office complexes and it’s actually been great. I think what I like about it most is that I get to wake up really felt like I was missing out on sales because people just didn’t have what I needed from them. I should tell you about my business: I make brown bag lunches with sandwiches and stuff like that to sell in office complexes and it’s actually been great. I think what I like about it most is that I get to wake up really early in the morning to make the food and then I get to be done with work by 2pm when I’m done selling – it’s much better hours than I think anyone could ask for in an office job. I love being on my feet and not just sitting at a desk all day long and I think that’s part of why my business has been so successful at the end of the day.

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